Hale Kau Kau Volunteers Needed Daily
Every Day: Hale Kau Kau, a non-profit organization, located at St Theresa Catholic Church, Kihei prepares and serves a free meal to hungry persons 365 days a year. Volunteers are needed for meal prep, serve, cleanup, and home delivery. We deliver 50 homebound meals daily to the elderly & disabled in Kihei. Local church groups & individuals may sign up to provide regular volunteer help. Donations of food & funds accepted. No charge to recipients of meals. Meals served from 5-5:45pm except on big holidays when meals are served at noon to 2pm. For more info, contact Marie Osaki at 875-8754.
This is an Ongoing Event occurring on Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday of every week. Time: 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Cost: Free
Categories: Non-Profit Community Event, Food & Beverage
St Theresa Church located at
25 W Lipoa St, Kihei, HI 96753
in South Maui
Phone: 808-879-2649
At Lipoa St and S Kihei Road.
Contact: Marie Osaki Phone: 808-875-8754
Website: https://www.halekaukau.org